Heartones 心電樂 - 鼓手易修自組織樂團 by米粉

心電樂 Heartones <按此連結官方部落格>
為兔子很有錢 鼓手 易修 個人創作之樂團

我第一次聽到他的歌聲 就 再也忘不了
我會認識 易修 也是因為看過他的表演



by 米粉

Lyrics 歌詞 (by-Andrea)



Pink tie

On and on

當然不同時期 不同感受
也許目前我的解釋 是這樣
又或許對你 是另外一種感覺 你可以全新詮釋它
因為聽歌的感覺 是跟人走的 不單單是字面上的意思




The way I choose to cover my scar
I think I will be fine when I'm satisfied
Take some rain, take some tears
I will wear 'em and keep on dancing
I will wear 'em and keep on dreaming
(means;繼續跳著舞 眼淚還是不斷地流 如同一件衣服將它穿在身上 即使繼續做夢 眼淚還是不斷地流 如同一件衣服將它穿在身上)

Days go on and on and on and don't end
On and on and on and on and you kiss me
It rains on and on and on and don't end
On and on and on and on and you

Take my breath away(你給的難過 是可以奪走最重要的呼吸)
I close my eyes
You go away
I close my eyes

I want to find a way to cover my scar
Take some rain and keep on dancing
Take some tears and keep on dreaming
Take my breath away
You go away
Kiss my eyes(眼淚親吻眼睛)
I close my eyes, and I die(心死,失望,或是看清)

這首歌的對象可以是你的朋友 情人 或是家人 只要是一個對你有足夠影響力的人


Pink tie

After raging a whole night
The storm finally died away(狂風暴雨; 一件足夠影響你身心的事)
My dreams faded away
Before you die in the morning

Dream dressed in blue
Heaven knows, you’re filled with lies
Tell the truth or tell a lie
Would you die for your pink tie? (粉紅色的束縛或是牽累; 在此pink我用來隱喻曖昧; 虛偽 或是不真實的愛, 至於tie是束縛?牽累?還是什樣的關係 因人而異)

I’m a girl
I hear the dream and star …
Ah! Crying again (夢和星星對很多人來說是美好的 你會做美夢 會喜歡看星星 然而這樣的美好卻在哭泣)



In his/her funny, dirty, sweet words (means, 沈溺在不真實沒有表情的文字世界裡 讓所有想像和夢幻領導自己意識)
You believe in love in 90s (不只是90年代 那只是個代名詞 任何時代 人都會迷失自己)
People love dreaming about the wonderland
Pretending not to see the truth of world

The face of the world is burning now (沒有能力承擔時 世界 內心 夢 都會變形 如同 燃燒 甚至自焚)
The skin of dream is burning now
The color of night is eating the world
I need to get my face in 90s (清楚知道自己的方向;找回臉;真相;真實的自己)

Let's get it!

I don't care
about you! (不在乎;已克服你;你們; 夢饜;)

Rabbit is Rich is an indie rock band based in Taipei, Taiwan. R.i.R. consists of Andrea on vocals, Ethan on guitar, Egghead on drums, and Adam on bass. Our sound may be defined as garage rock, art punk, etc.

LIVE!!! The Wall Live House

Rabbit is Rich- Kick Your Ass

Rabbit is Rich- 90's



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