
In his/her funny, dirty, sweet words (means, 沈溺在不真實沒有表情的文字世界裡 讓所有想像和夢幻領導自己意識)
You believe in love in 90s (不只是90年代 那只是個代名詞 任何時代 人都會迷失自己)
People love dreaming about the wonderland
Pretending not to see the truth of world

The face of the world is burning now (沒有能力承擔時 世界 內心 夢 都會變形 如同 燃燒 甚至自焚)
The skin of dream is burning now
The color of night is eating the world
I need to get my face in 90s (清楚知道自己的方向;找回臉;真相;真實的自己)

Let's get it!

I don't care
about you! (不在乎;已克服你;你們; 夢饜;)
